daofind: image = "sM11B" Input image(s) (output = "default") The output coordinates list(s) (default: image. (starmap = "") The output density enhancement image(s) (skymap = "") The output sky image(s) (datapars = "") Data dependent parameters (findpars = "") Object detection parameters (boundary = "nearest") Boundary extension (constant, nearest, reflect, (constant = 0.) Constant for constant boundary extension (interactive = no) Interactive mode ? (icommands = "") Image cursor: [x y wcs] key [cmd] (gcommands = "") Graphics cursor: [x y wcs] key [cmd] (wcsout = )_.wcsout) The output coordinate system (logical,tv,physic (cache = )_.cache) Cache the image pixels ? (verify = )_.verify) Verify critical parameters in non-interactive m (update = )_.update) Update critical parameters in non-interactive m (verbose = )_.verbose) Print messages in non-interactive mode ? (graphics = )_.graphics) Graphics device (display = )_.display) Display device (mode = "ql") phot: image = "sM11B" The input image(s) skyfile = "" The input sky file(s) (coords = "default") The input coordinate files(s) (default: image.c (output = "default") The output photometry file(s) (default: image.m (plotfile = "") The output plots metacode file (datapars = "") Data dependent parameters (centerpars = "") Centering parameters (fitskypars = "") Sky fitting parameters (photpars = "") Photometry parameters (interactive = no) Interactive mode ? (radplots = no) Plot the radial profiles in interactive mode ? (icommands = "") Image cursor: [x y wcs] key [cmd] (gcommands = "") Graphics cursor: [x y wcs] key [cmd] (wcsin = )_.wcsin) The input coordinate system (logical,tv,physica (wcsout = )_.wcsout) The output coordinate system (logical,tv,physic (cache = )_.cache) Cache the input image pixels in memory ? (verify = )_.verify) Verify critical parameters in non-interactive m (update = )_.update) Update critical parameters in non-interactive m (verbose = )_.verbose) Print messages in non-interactive mode ? (graphics = )_.graphics) Graphics device (display = )_.display) Display device (mode = "ql") imstat: images = "s*" List of input images (fields = "image,npix,mean,stddev,min,max") Fields to be printed (lower = INDEF) Lower limit for pixel values (upper = INDEF) Upper limit for pixel values (nclip = 5) Number of clipping iterations (lsigma = 3.) Lower side clipping factor in sigma (usigma = 3.) Upper side clipping factor in sigma (binwidth = 0.1) Bin width of histogram in sigma (format = yes) Format output and print column labels ? (cache = no) Cache image in memory ? (mode = "ql") wcsctran: input = "VB.txt" The input coordinate files output = "VB.wcs" The output coordinate files image = "sM11V" The input images inwcs = "logical" The input coordinate system outwcs = "world" The output coordinate system (columns = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7") List of input file columns (units = "") List of input coordinate units (formats = "") List of output coordinate formats (min_sigdigit = 7) Minimum precision of output coordinates (verbose = yes) Write comments to the output file ? (mode = "ql")