apphot> dpar imstat imstatistics.images = "SA*.fts" imstatistics.fields = "image,mode,stddev" imstatistics.lower = 20. imstatistics.upper = 40000. imstatistics.nclip = 3 imstatistics.lsigma = 3. imstatistics.usigma = 3. imstatistics.binwidth = 0.1 imstatistics.format = yes imstatistics.cache = no imstatistics.mode = "ql" # EOF apphot> dpar datapars datapars.scale = 1. datapars.fwhmpsf = 2.5 datapars.emission = yes datapars.sigma = 10. datapars.datamin = 10. datapars.datamax = 60000. datapars.noise = "poisson" datapars.ccdread = "RDNOISE" datapars.gain = "GAIN" datapars.readnoise = 0. datapars.epadu = 1. datapars.exposure = "EXPOSURE" datapars.airmass = "AIRMASS" datapars.filter = "FILTER" datapars.obstime = "JD" datapars.itime = 1. datapars.xairmass = INDEF datapars.ifilter = "INDEF" datapars.otime = "INDEF" datapars.mode = "ql" # EOF apphot> dpar phot phot.image = "SA96V.fts" phot.skyfile = "" phot.coords = "default" phot.output = "default" phot.plotfile = "" phot.datapars = "" phot.centerpars = "" phot.fitskypars = "" phot.photpars = "" phot.interactive = no phot.radplots = no phot.icommands = "" phot.gcommands = "" phot.wcsin = )_.wcsin phot.wcsout = )_.wcsout phot.cache = )_.cache phot.verify = )_.verify phot.update = )_.update phot.verbose = )_.verbose = ) phot.display = )_.display phot.mode = "ql" # EOF apphot> dpar centerpars centerpars.calgorithm = "centroid" centerpars.cbox = 11. centerpars.cthreshold = 0. centerpars.minsnratio = 1. centerpars.cmaxiter = 10 centerpars.maxshift = 8. centerpars.clean = yes centerpars.rclean = 1. centerpars.rclip = 2. centerpars.kclean = 3. centerpars.mkcenter = no centerpars.mode = "ql" # EOF apphot> dpar photpars photpars.weighting = "constant" photpars.apertures = "3." photpars.zmag = 25. photpars.mkapert = no photpars.mode = "ql" # EOF apphot> imstat SA*.fts # IMAGE MODE STDDEV SA100B.fts 120.9 11.19 SA100I.fts 153.3 10.37 SA100R.fts 150.1 10.19 SA100V.fts 140.9 10.15 SA96B.fts 105.3 10.94 SA96I.fts 130.8 9.822 SA96R.fts 116.8 9.559 SA96V.fts 116.6 9.603 SA99B.fts 117.2 11.11 SA99I.fts 149.1 10.19 SA99R.fts 134.9 10.08 SA99V.fts 125.5 10.01 files SA*%.fts%% > imlist cat imlist SA100B SA100I SA100R SA100V SA96B SA96I SA96R SA96V SA99B SA99I SA99R SA99V files SA*%.fts%.coo% > coolist wcsctran Landolt83d.dat SA96V.coo SA96V.fts inwcs=world outwcs=logical display SA96V tvmark 1 SA96V.coo label=yes color=204 phot SA96V.fts coords=SA96V.coo pdump SA96V.fts.mag.5 "xc,yc,mag,merr,XAIRMASS,ITIME" yes > SA96V.txt grep -v INDEF SA96V.txt wcsctran Landolt83d.dat @coolist @imlist inwcs=world outwcs=logical phot @imlist coords=@coolist pdump @imlist//.mag.1 "xc,yc,mag,merr,XAIRMASS,ITIME,IFILTER" yes > vse.txt editiram vse.txt se doda iz kataloga ime in standardne magnitude. cat vse.txt | grep " V" | grep -v INDEF > V.dat cat vse.txt | grep " B" | grep -v INDEF > B.dat cat vse.txt | grep " R" | grep -v INDEF > R.dat cat vse.txt | grep " I" | grep -v INDEF > I.dat unset label set fit errorvariables #fit a*x+c*y+b 'V.dat' using 11:($9-$2):$3 via a,b,c #plot [1:4][a+b:a+b+1] "V.dat" using 11:($9-$2):10 with errorbar , "V.dat" using 11:(a*$11+b) with line 3 fit a*x+c*y+b 'V.dat' using 11:3:($9-$2):(1) via a,b,c plot [1:4][a+b:a+b+1] "V.dat" using 11:($9-c*$3-$2):10 with errorbar , "V.dat" using 11:(a*$11+b) with line 3 set xlabel "X zracna masa" set ylabel "v-V magnituda" set label "`pwd | sed 's/\/home\/data\///'`" at 1.5, a+b+0.8 set label "FILTER V = k*X+c*(B-V)+z" at 1.5,a+b+0.75 set label 'k=%5.2f', a, ' +/- %4.2f', a_err at 1.5,a+b+0.7 set label 'z=%5.2f', b, ' +/- %4.2f', b_err at 1.5,a+b+0.65 set label 'c=%5.2f', c, ' +/- %4.2f', c_err at 1.5,a+b+0.6 replot set terminal gif small set output 'v-V.gif' replot set output set terminal x11 unset label set fit errorvariables fit a*x+c*y+b 'B.dat' using 11:3:($9-($2+$3)):(1) via a,b,c plot [1:4][a+b:a+b+1] "B.dat" using 11:($9-c*$3-($2+$3)):10 with errorbar,"B.dat" using 11:(a*$11+b) with line 3 set ylabel "b-B magnituda" set label "`pwd | sed 's/\/home\/data\///'`" at 1.5, a+b+0.8 set label "FILTER B = k*X+c*(B-V)+z" at 1.5,a+b+0.75 set label 'k=%5.2f', a, ' +/- %4.2f', a_err at 1.5,a+b+0.7 set label 'z=%5.2f', b, ' +/- %4.2f', b_err at 1.5,a+b+0.65 set label 'c=%5.2f', c, ' +/- %4.2f', c_err at 1.5,a+b+0.6 replot set terminal gif small set output 'b-B.gif' replot set output set terminal x11 unset label fit a*x+c*y+b 'R.dat' using 11:5:($9-($2-$5)):(1) via a,b,c plot [1:4][a+b:a+b+1] "R.dat" using 11:($9-c*$5-($2-$5)):10 with errorbar,"R.dat" using 11:(a*$11+b) with line 3 set ylabel "r-R magnituda" set label "`pwd | sed 's/\/home\/data\///'`" at 1.5, a+b+0.8 set label "FILTER R = k*X+c*(V-R)+z" at 1.5,a+b+0.75 set label 'k=%5.2f', a, ' +/- %4.2f', a_err at 1.5,a+b+0.7 set label 'z=%5.2f', b, ' +/- %4.2f', b_err at 1.5,a+b+0.65 set label 'c=%5.2f', c, ' +/- %4.2f', c_err at 1.5,a+b+0.6 replot set terminal gif small set output 'r-R.gif' replot set output set terminal x11 unset label fit a*x+c*y+b 'I.dat' using 11:6:($9-(($2-$5)-$6)):(1) via a,b,c plot [1:4][a+b:a+b+1] "I.dat" using 11:($9-c*$6-(($2-$5)-$6)):10 with errorbar,"I.dat" using 11:(a*$11+b) with line 3 set ylabel "i-I magnituda" set label "`pwd | sed 's/\/home\/data\///'`" at 1.5, a+b+0.8 set label "FILTER I = k*X+c*(R-I)+z" at 1.5,a+b+0.75 set label 'k=%5.2f', a, ' +/- %4.2f', a_err at 1.5,a+b+0.7 set label 'z=%5.2f', b, ' +/- %4.2f', b_err at 1.5,a+b+0.65 set label 'c=%5.2f', c, ' +/- %4.2f', c_err at 1.5,a+b+0.6 replot set terminal gif small set output 'i-I.gif' replot set output set terminal x11