[M11, AAT] [PNG]

Anglo-Australian Telescope image of the Wild Duck open cluster M11 in Scutum. Photograph by David Malin.

Note the bright yellow and red stars, which are intermediate-aged giants. Their occurance suggests that the cluster must have an age of several hundred million years.

This image is copyrighted and may be used for private purpose only. For any other kind of use, including internet mirroring and storing on CD-ROM, please contact the Photo Permissions Department of the Anglo Australian Observatory.

  • More information on this image
  • More images of David Malin

    [M11 color image]

    Bright yellow and red giant stars are visible in this image of M11. This image was captured from Usenet. Also in Pat Murphy's collection.

    [M11, Bill Keel/KPNO]

    Bill Keel created this CCD image of M11, the "Wild Duck" cluster, shown from a 30-second red-light exposure (through clouds) with a Tektronix 2048x2048 CCD at the prime focus of the 4-meter Mayall telescope of Kitt Peak National Observatory. North is at the top and east to the left. The image has been block-averaged to 512x512, and a logarithmic intensity transformation is used to preserve information across a wide dynamic range (i.e., range of stellar magnitudes). The field is 14.3 arcminutes square.

  • More images of Bill Keel

  • Amateur images of M11

    Hartmut Frommert (spider@seds.org)
    Christine Kronberg (smil@lrz.uni-muenchen.de)

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    Last Modification: 2 Aug 1999 22:50 MET