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Astronomy Picture of the Day |
APOD: 1999 October 30 - Mars Rocks, Sojourner Rolls
This sharp color image
featuring Mars
rock Yogi and the
rolling Sojourner
robot shows off Yogi's two-toned surface.
Yogi appears to be leaning into the prevailing winds
causing some to suggest that its color
contrast may be caused by the accumulation of
rust colored dust on
its windward face.
The Pathfinder spacecraft, now the Sagan Memorial Station,
has ended the primary mission phase after returning
a scientific bonanza from the surface
of Mars.
The Sojourner robot rolled hundreds of feet on the
martian surface, circumnavigated the lander, and
produced a wealth of data and images.
Mars Pathfinder and Soujourner landed on July 4, 1997
and lasted about 3 months, well beyond their designed lifetime.
APOD: 1999 July 5 - Four Faces of Mars
As Mars rotates, most of its surface becomes visible. During
Earth's recent pass between Mars and the
Sun, the
Hubble Space Telescope was able to
capture the most detailed time-lapse pictures ever from the
Dark and light
sand and gravel create an unusual
blotted appearance for the
red planet.
Winds cause sand-tinted
features on the
Martian surface
to shift over time.
Visible in the
above pictures are the north polar cap, made of
water ice and
dry ice,
clouds including an
unusual cyclone, and
huge volcanoes
leftover from ancient times.
Mars Global Surveyor satellite orbiting Mars continues to scan the surface
for good places to land future robot explorers.
APOD: 1999 May 28 - Topographical Mars
Contrasting colors trace changing elevations in this new high-resolution
topographic map of Mars.
Just released, the data were gathered in 1998 and 1999 by the
Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA)
onboard the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft.
The martian topography is seen
to range over 19 miles between the
highest volcanic peaks (white) and the lowest regions (purple).
Along with the striking
difference between
the Red Planet's
low northern hemisphere (top) and high southern regions,
one of the most noticeable
features on the map is the
large blue-purple southern depression corresponding
to the Hellas basin.
Likely the result of an asteroid impact, Mars' deepest basin
is about 1300 miles across making it one of the
largest impact features in the Solar System.
of MOLA's rich topographic database are expected to produce
insights into water flows and the
geologic history of Mars.
Authors & editors:
& Jerry Bonnell (USRA)
NASA Technical Rep.:
Jay Norris.
Specific rights apply.
A service of:
Michigan Tech. U.